Hey Yogies,
Spirit here and I got some interesting information about our ecosystem and some frequently asked questions. Many people want to know more about how everything works, and what we will do in the future to keep it up and running.
Our plan is to give each NFT we launch in the item shop a unique value that plays a role in the benefit of the ecosystem. Build bigger, stronger, and wiser.
What’s the Yogie Item Shop?
Our Item shop is exclusive to $Gemies holders. In our ecosystem, you can only use $Gemies we do not accept ETH. Please keep in mind that $Gemies has no economic value. 1 $Gemies is always equal to 1 $Gemies.
Each Mansion you purchase provides you with 10 staking slots. You can stake multiple Yogies and earn more $Gemies daily. More utilities will be announced in the near future.
Security Pets
Security Pets are your defense against attackers. Owning a Security Pet NFT prevents you from losing daily yield to attackers.
Flying Cars
Boost your yield by owning a Flying Car. Boost your daily yield up to 50%. One NFT is a +25% Increase, Two NFTs are a +35% Increase, and Three NFTs are a 50% Increase.
Regular Vault Yogie
Each Regular Vault Yogie saved from the vault is unique. All these Yogies have ONE unique trait that is not available in the normal collection. These Yogies earn you up to 15 $Gemies daily.
Very Important Yogie
These Yogies are VERY Important, all these Yogies have unique traits that are not available in the normal collection. You can only purchase a VIY from the vault with $Gemies. These Yogies earn you up to 30 $Gemies daily.
Genesis Yogie
These Yogies will be auctioned weekly in the near future. All the funds collected from these Yogies will go into a community development wallet. This wallet will be transparent to the community to see. These Yogies earn you up to 45 $Gemies daily. They are also basically a VIP pass to the Yogies ecosystem. You will be getting big rewards in future drops.
Our first genesis holder has received 8 Yogies & 1000 $Gemies before launch.
Yogie Bank (in the future)
This is the Yogie bank, that allows you to withdraw 100% of your $Gemies. Why withdraw if you can spend them without withdrawing?
Once you withdraw your $Gemies, you get access to our Physical Item shop. This includes Exclusive Tickets, Trips, Merch, and much more. We will allow the community to vote each month for the items in our physical store.
Attack other Yogies
In the near future, you will be able to attack other Yogies. This feature allows you to steal up to 50% of someone's daily yield. We want to give our users an experience & to make them feel connected with Yogies. We want our holders to wake up every day looking forward to planning their next attack to earn $Gemies. Having a Security Pet will keep you secure from these attacks. But not forever, we are planning to launch multiple things around attacks. While still keeping the game healthy and fair. (depending on the amount of Yogies you hold) — you can choose who you want to attack
Once the Item shop is empty what’s next for Yogies is it over?
It’s never over with Yogies! We are planning to keep expanding our ecosystem in a healthy matter. Adding new unique features that you have never seen on the Ethereum blockchain. We are not planning to launch a new season as of now. We just want to continue building Yogies to become more than just a browser game.
It’s not too late THIS IS MORE THAN YOU THINK.
Grab your Yogies now on Opensea: